what is Ear Candling?

Ear candling is an ancient technique that can promote deep relaxation and helps to relieve stress and revitalise the body in many ways. This non-invasive therapy involves the use of a long candle placed into the ear. The treatment is linked to ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Native American treatments
benefits of ear candling
Benefits of ear candling are vast and can include;
Removing wax, bacteria and other debris from the ear canal
Improving tinnitus
Improving taste buds
Reduce sinus pressure and ear aches
Treating sinus infections
Improving hearing
Relieving sore throats
Treating colds and flus
Relieving headaches and migraines
Improving mental clarity
Purifying the blood
Improving lymphatic circulation
Clearing the eyes and improving vision
Reducing pain related to jaw aches
Reducing tension and stress
Reducing vertigo
Reducing 'swimmer's ear'
Of course, each client's individual health and lifestyle can impact their results. And results do differ from person to person. The inside of ear-candles are coated with beeswax, so at this time, are not classed as a vegan treatment

What to expect

You will have a course of three treatments followed by your initial consultation that will be included in your first treatment. The treatments will be of a relaxing nature. The premises will be secured and private during your treatments so that no-one else can gain entry. You will lay on either side with your eyes closed and must be mobile enough to lay on each side comfortably for the duration of the treatment. Depending on the amount of ear wax built up inside the ear canal, candles' burning time does vary with a heavier build up resulting in a longer burning time. On average, each candle usually takes between 10-20 minutes to burn fully
is ear candling safe for me?

Clients are encouraged to disclose any and all health conditions on their booking form
There are some ear related conditions that would deem clients to be high rise and therefore unsuitable for the treatment, such as Meniere's Disease, ear infection, or any other condition that may be triggered or worsened by the ear candles. In these instances, clients can provide a letter from their GP authorising that the treatment is safe to go ahead
Among some medical practitioners in the modern day world, ear candling can carry a bad reputation for being a pseudo-science type treatment or even deemed as ineffective, but despite this, ear candling continues to be a popular and commonly used practice across the world, and has been used for thousands of years and helps many clients with their general health and wellness
Clients can be assured that the sessions will be carried out in the safest conditions possible by a fully insured and qualified Holistic Health Practitioner. You are recommended to attend your course of three treatments spaced 7-10 days apart for optimum results. Please book these in yourself via the bookings menu
how to book in

Please make your appointments via the booking menu. You are able to choose a slot that suits you, with the correct 7-10 day intervals between each treatment. You will receive a confirmation email and a reminder email - so check your junk folder if it's your first time booking with Earth & Beauty
You will not require a patch test before this treatment. The price of £49.00 is for all three sessions
aftercare advice
To read aftercare advice for this treatment, be sure to check out the Wellness Aftercare Advice Page -
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